Impacting Generations
BFS is a company made of stories. Stories of teams and individuals Taking Charge and reaching their maximum potential.
Let us Hear Your Story
Looking back at 1,000s of stories on the impact the BFS Program has had on so many we feel we need a space to share them and inspire future successes. We have launched the "Impacting Generations" initiative to do just that.
For over 40 years BFS has been in the forefront of teaching coaches and young athletes how to get the most out of themselves, and their teams - on and off the field. Winning championships is a huge part of the what the BFS Total Program is about, but winning in life is an even larger part of the BFS message. We firmly believe that through athletics and physical education, in all it's many forms, every young person can grow to be a more complete and prepared person for life's goals and dreams.
BFS has been collecting and printing many of these stories in the BFS Magazine for years and proudly highlighting the BFS Male and Female "Athletes of the Year" as well as the "High School of the Year" within those pages. In fact, the entire history of the BFS Magazine is available online in the BFS Archives for free and is a great resource for motivation. However, we realize that we can only feature a small portion of the stories of BFS in our publications. And there are so many more stories.
Through the use of all the new channels available for sharing our experiences including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and of course Email, we will bring together your stories to help inspire others to reach their full potential.
Share a short video of your BFS Experiences via with "BFS Testimonial" in the subject line.
Your stories shared with BFS may be published on this page and in other BFS materials both electronic and print.