BFS Magazine

How Straight Leg Deadlifts contribute to a Total Athlete!

Steve Kinslow May 30, 2024

How Straight Leg Deadlifts contribute to a Total Athlete!

If a football player can improve flexibility in the hip flexor area by two inches, that alone may improve their 40- yard-dash time by 0.2 seconds. Think about this: Just by improving flexibility, a high school running back with a 4.7 forty could be a 4.5 high school running back – that could mean the difference between being good and being great, and could dramatically increase the chances of earning a college scholarship.

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Why Multi Sport Athletes WIN!

Steve Kinslow April 24, 2024

Why Multi Sport Athletes WIN!

Rather than having coaches argue about which single sport is better than another for improving an athlete's primary sport, athletes should participate in a variety of sports as each has something to offer. And while it's great to win a state championship in a single sport, BFS believes that a multi-disciplined approach improves the success of several sports.

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Overcome plateaus with variation

Steve Kinslow April 03, 2024

Overcome plateaus with variation

Using a towel or block on your chest to perform bench presses with a shorter range of motion can be beneficial in certain situations. Here are some potential benefits and considerations. Keep in mind that the BFS Total Program emphasizes using a towel bench press in conjunction with the full bench press:

Joint Stress Reduction and Overcoming Plateaus: Shortening the range of motion can reduce stress on the shoulder joints, particularly for individuals with pre-existing shoulder issues or limited mobility. By avoiding excessive shoulder extension at the bottom of the lift, you may experience less discomfort and risk of injury. However, it's crucial to ensure that the shortened range of motion is appropriate and doesn't compromise proper form or muscle engagement.

Overcoming Plateaus: Introducing variations like bench presses with a shorter range of motion can help overcome plateaus in strength or muscle growth. Changing the stimulus can shock the muscles and stimulate new adaptations, leading to continued progress. This is particularly relevant for advanced lifters who may benefit from novel training techniques to spur gains.


IMPORTANT: Shortened-range bench presses require careful attention to form and technique to avoid compensations or improper mechanics. It's crucial to maintain a stable and controlled movement pattern, even with a reduced range of motion, to minimize the risk of injury and maximize muscle engagement.

In conclusion, using a towel or block to perform bench presses with a shorter range of motion is beneficial in certain contexts, particularly overcoming plateaus. However, it's essential to approach this variation with caution, maintain proper form and technique, and balance it with full-range movements to ensure comprehensive muscle development and minimize the risk of imbalances or injuries.

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The Importance of Safety Posters in Weight Rooms

Steve Kinslow March 26, 2024

The Importance of Safety Posters in Weight Rooms

Weight rooms are dynamic environments where individuals and teams engage in strength training and physical conditioning exercises. While these spaces offer numerous benefits for health and fitness, they also come with inherent risks if proper precautions are not taken. This is where safety posters play a crucial role in promoting a safe and injury-free environment.

  1. Education and Awareness: Safety posters in weight rooms serve as visual reminders of essential safety practices. They educate gym-goers about proper lifting techniques, equipment us....READ MORE

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The Benefits of Multi Sport Athletes

Steve Kinslow February 27, 2024

The Benefits of Multi Sport Athletes

Playing multiple sports can offer numerous benefits to young athletes, including physical, mental, and social development. Here are some ways in which engaging in multiple sports can aid in overall development:

  • Physical Development: Different sports emphasize different muscle groups and movements, leading to a more well-rounded physical development. For example, soccer focuses on cardiovascular endurance and lower body strength, while basketball emphasizes agility, coordination, and upper body strength.
  • Prevents Burnout and Overuse Injuries: By participating in multiple sports, young athletes can avoid burnout from repetitive training and competition in a single sport. Additionally, it reduces the risk of overuse injuries that can occur from the constant strain on specific muscles and joints.
  • Enhances Motor Skills and Coordination: Each sport requires specific motor skills and coordination. Engaging in multiple sports exposes athletes to a variety of movements, helping them develop a broader range of motor skills and better overall coordination.
  • Develops Mental Toughness and Adaptability: Playing different sports challenges athletes to learn new rules, strategies, and techniques, fostering mental flexibility and adaptability. They learn to adjust their mindset and approach based on the demands of each sport, enhancing resilience and problem-solving skills.
  • Encourages Cross-Training Benefits: Many sports complement each other in terms of physical conditioning. For example, a swimmer may improve their cardiovascular endurance and upper body strength by participating in track and field during the off-season.

In summary, playing multiple sports can contribute to a young athlete's holistic development by fostering physical fitness, mental resilience, social skills, and a deeper understanding of athletic principles. It promotes versatility, reduces the risk of burnout and injuries, and ultimately cultivates well-rounded individuals both on and off the field.

(PS: the kids have a lot of fun too!)

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5 Reasons to Dot Drill every training day!

Steve Kinslow February 19, 2024

5 Reasons to Dot Drill every training day!

The BFS Dot Drill, also known as the “Bigger Faster Stronger Dot Drill," is a training exercise designed to improve agility, coordination, and footwork. Here are five reasons to incorporate the BFS Dot Drill into your training regimen:

  • Agility Enhancement: The Dot Drill is highly effective in improving agility, as it requires rapid changes in direction and foot placement. Regular practice can help athletes become more nimble and respons

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Signage for safety and performance

Steve Kinslow February 19, 2024

Signage for safety and performance

Training posters can contribute to maintaining a safe weight room environment in several ways:

  1. Instruction on Equipment Use: Posters can provide visual guidance on how to properly use weightlifting equipment, including machines, free weights, and accessories. Clear instructions help users understand the correct form and technique, reducing the risk of injury due to improper usage.

  2. Safety Guidelines: Posters can display safety guidelines and precautions relevant to weight training activities. This may include reminders to use spotters when lifting heavy weights, to warm up properly before exercising, or to avoid overexertion. Reinforcing safety protocols promotes responsible behavior among gym-goers and helps prevent accidents.

  3. Emergency Procedures: Posters can outline emergency procedures specific to the weight room environment. This may include instructions on how to respond to injuries, access emergency exits, or operate safety equipment such as fire extinguishers or first aid kits. Clear guidance in times of crisis can minimize confusion and facilitate prompt and appropriate responses.

  4. Exercise Demonstrations: Posters can feature illustrated demonstrations of various exercises commonly performed in the weight room. Clear visuals depicting correct form and technique help users understand how to execute exercises safely and effectively, reducing the risk of injury due to improper movement patterns.

  5. Rules and Regulations: Posters can communicate facility rules and regulations specific to the weight room area. This may include guidelines on noise levels, attire requirements, or time restrictions, promoting a respectful and orderly environment conducive to safe and enjoyable workouts.

Overall, training posters serve as valuable visual aids to reinforce safety practices, provide instructional guidance, and promote a positive and inclusive atmosphere in the weight room. Regularly updating and prominently displaying such posters can help cultivate a culture of safety and responsibility among gym users, ultimately contributing to the overall well-being of individuals utilizing the facility.

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The King of Execises

Steve Kinslow February 05, 2024

The King of Execises

The parallel squat is regarded highly in the fitness community for several reasons:

Muscle Engagement: Functional Strength: Increased Hormonal Response: Joint Health: and MORE...

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Organization is Key to Weight Room Excellence

Steve Kinslow January 31, 2024

Organization is Key to Weight Room Excellence

An organized weight room provides several benefits for individuals engaging in weight training. Here are some reasons why organization is crucial for an effective weight training environment:

  1. Efficient Workouts: An organized weight room allows individuals to move seamlessly between exercises and equipment. With a designated place for each piece of equipment,...

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Unify Your Programs for Success!

Steve Kinslow December 22, 2023

Unify Your Programs for Success!

This is a time of year many educators and coaches assess their athletic programs and explore ideas on what could make a difference in the future. Few teams make the playoffs, even fewer are division champions and only one is state champion. Is your team in this elite group? How can your school crack the code to improving from year to year - season to season?

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The Straight Leg Dead Lift for Athletic Success

Steve Kinslow December 13, 2023

The Straight Leg Dead Lift for Athletic Success

In addition to advising athletes to use the BFS 1-2-3-4 stretching program, we recommend all athletes perform the straight-leg deadlift as an auxiliary exercise. Unlike the Hex bar deadlift, which develops strength and requires the use of heavy weights, we think of the straightleg deadlift as a stretching exercise, and therefore only very light weights are used. And we can’t emphasize this point enough. 

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Consult With BFS

Steve Kinslow October 28, 2023

Consult With BFS

BFS Will Help You Succeed From Concept to Completion!

For 40 years BFS has been providing middle schools, junior high schools and high schools with the tools they need for success. We’d like to do the same for your school. We are your full-service company, not only providing all your Exercise Equipment needs, but also safe and effective Exercise Instruction.


One Day Consultation - 1 to 3 schools or facilities: $3,500

Concurrent additional days are available for $1,500, each covering an additional 1 to 3 schools. An unbeatable solution for counties or districts. Call BFS to learn more and book your school's or district's consultation! 800-628-9737

Join other great districts that have found a spingboard to success with a BFS Weight Room Consultation: 
- Baltimore County Public Schools (MD)
- Seattle Public Schools (WA)
- NYC Dept. of Education (NY)
- Central Consolidated School District (NM)
- Harford County (MD)

And many more!

Weight Room Consultation

Drawing on 40 years of experience BFS knowledgeable consultants will measure, review and make recommendations for your weight room. Using criteria that always begins and ends with safety your BFS consultation will provide clear recommendations for your unique situation.  

Unique Situations

BFS Consulting brings a deep understanding of schools and educational systems. With this insight to time and space constraints we will provide the best solution for turning your weight room into a learning classroom. 

Depending on when your school was built, what your current budgets allow, and what your expectations are BFS offers solutions for every institution. BFS knows your situation is unique. 

Unique Solutions

Once your on-site consultation, including measuring and inventorying of existing equipment as well as on-site interviews with teachers and coaches, is complete BFS delivers two options for moving forward with upgrading your facility. 

Your consultant will provide one floorplan that utilizes your existing equipment. This option will rearrange and perhaps remove excess equipment that hinders the safe and efficient use of your weight room. 

The second option will provide a floor plan of recommended replacement and new pieces of equipment to maximize your safety and results. Recommended upgrades in equipment may include auxiliary pieces, flooring, or storage - options will be provided. 

Continuing Education

BFS Consultations do not end with the equipment. Our ongoing educational support includes a year subscription to technique and training videos from the BFS Total Program.

This BFS Educational Center is available to every teacher and coach that uses your weight room. These resources emphasize perfect technique for both lifting and spotting. It also includes frequently asked questions from our safety series with Dr. Mark Rabinoff, an expert witness in hundreds of weight room lawsuits. This is invaluable for understanding and reducing your school's exposure to lawsuits.

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Getting Young Athletes Ready to Win!

Steve Kinslow October 20, 2023

Getting Young Athletes Ready to Win!

Weight training is a key aspect of the BFS Readiness program, but it is performed with light weights as its purpose is to teach athletes perfect technique. That way, when they are physically mature enough to lift heavy weights, they can do so safely. The BFS Readiness program is a quick, easy-to-administer workout. With nearly four decades of enthusiastic results, BFS is convinced that this is the optimal workout program to give young people a head start on a lifetime of safe physical and athletic performance.

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Keep Students Invested in Their Own Success

Steve Kinslow October 10, 2023

Keep Students Invested in Their Own Success

Teaching proper attitude is a simple task and takes very little time. Before students ever touch a weight they should listen to what BFS calls, a pride and safety talk. First students need to know that your strength program is "special" and that it is a privilege, not a right, to work-out in the weight room. The students need to feel that the strength program is a place for them to improve themselves and in effect is "theirs," not the coaches.

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Steve Kinslow October 02, 2023


Sign Subject Matter

Colors and shapes are important, but even more important is the information that these signs convey. Use only simple words, phrases or graphics that are easy to understand. Use only internationally accepted graphics. Remember that simple words are better than complex graphics. However, symbol signs may be more helpful to multi-cultured users than words...

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Exiting the Bench Press Properly

Steve Kinslow October 02, 2023

Exiting the Bench Press Properly

Stay Dynamic and Athletic for Safety and Focus

*Twisting To Get Out of The Bench This Way Is Bad.
*It Could Cause A Muscle Spasm In The Lower Back.
*Most Athletes Do It This Way But Don't You.
*Be Smart - Be Athletic.

*After Your Set, Bring Both Knees Up As Shown.
*Bring Knees Up Together.
* Lower Back.
*Then, Whip Your Legs
Forward and Downward
As In A Forward Roll.
*You Can Even Push
On Your Thighs With Your Hands.
*Now You're Upright Effortlessly In An Athletic, Gymnastic, Graceful and Safe Movement!

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Prepare for a Championship Season

Steve Kinslow September 26, 2023

Prepare for a Championship Season

Start Now for Second Semester Success! 

Sometime this coming month your football playoffs will be firing up. Are you still in the mix? If so - Go Get Em! 

If not - NOW is the time to think about what your programs can do to find success in the spring! Booking early give you and your coaches the time to implement a total program that leads ATHLETIC development.

A BFS Total Program clinic will be exceptionally valuable for high school athletes looking to excel in spring sports for several important reasons...

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Towel Bench for Variations

Steve Kinslow September 15, 2023

Towel Bench for Variations

Towel Benches are a BFS Core Lift for three reasons.

• First, an athlete gets used to a heavier weight. Normally, ten to twenty more pounds can be used on the Towel Bench. This builds more confidence for new levels on the regular bench.

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Don’t sleep on the Effort Box

Steve Kinslow September 13, 2023

Don’t sleep on the Effort Box

But what about the Effort Box on your set rep recordings? This is one of the few measurements in the BFS Total Program that is subjective. The student needs to honestly judge for themselves how much effort they are putting into lift and record that on a scale of 1-11. 

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Accountability for Flexibility? YOU BET!

Steve Kinslow August 28, 2023

Accountability for Flexibility? YOU BET!

The BFS approach of striving to break personal records every workout keeps athletes’ motivation high. This strategy also applies to stretching programs that regularly measure progress – the athlete can see immediate and objective evidence of improvement. To measure progress with the BFS 1-2-3-4 flexibility program, we recommend that athletes perform the sit-and-reach test at least once a month.

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Hex Bar Advantages

Steve Kinslow August 22, 2023

Hex Bar Advantages

The question of whether the hex bar deadlift is better than the straight bar deadlift depends on individual goals, biomechanics. Both variations of the deadlift have their advantages and can be effective in different ways.

Here are some reasons why BFS prefers the hex bar deadlift over the straight bar deadlift...

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The Posterior Chain and BFS: Unleashing Power and Performance

Steve Kinslow August 07, 2023

The Posterior Chain and BFS: Unleashing Power and Performance

One of the most significant aspects of any strength and conditioning regimen is training the posterior chain. This term refers to the muscle groups spanning from the lower back down to the heels, encompassing the glutes, hamstrings, and the erector spinae.

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The Dot Drill - Dynamic for Optimal Performance

Steve Kinslow August 02, 2023

The Dot Drill - Dynamic for Optimal Performance

While traditional warm-up exercises like jogging and stretching have their merits, the "BFS Dot Drill" stands out as a particularly effective warm-up routine. Because the drill is timed and judged for accuracy it falls into the BFS mandate that exercises must be measurable ( you can't break records of you don't keep records!). 

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Flexibility For Speed

Steve Kinslow July 28, 2023

Flexibility For Speed

In the BFS Total Program we strongly emphasize stretching and flexibility  - primarily for the the performance benefits. Stretching and flexibility should be approached with equal focus and attention given to strength training, Because stretching may not take as much time as weight training students (and coaches) may not give this portion of the Total Program their full attention. It is important to remember that ALL parts of the Total Program are equal in achieving results even if they don't take as much time or equipment and other areas!
Let's focus on the Calf today
Proper calf muscle flexibility is essential for maximizing speed and improving athletic performance. Here's how stretching the calf muscles can contribute to speed training:
Increased Range of Motion: Flexibility in the calf muscles allows for a more extensive range of motion during running and other athletic movements. This increased range enables longer strides and better push-off, which are critical factors for generating speed.
Improved Running Mechanics: Flexible calf muscles promote proper running mechanics. When the calf muscles are adequately stretched, they can contribute to a more efficient and powerful stride, which ultimately translates to improved speed.
Better Muscle Activation: Flexible calf muscles allow for better muscle activation and engagement during running. This means that your muscles can contract more effectively, leading to more powerful and explosive movements.
When incorporating calf stretches into your speed training routine, it's essential to do them correctly and consistently. BFS reccommends:
Calf Stretch: With hands on the wall for balance, move hips forward and push back heel down. keep leg straight. Switch after 30 seconds.
Achilles Stretch; Same as Calf Stretch but slightly bend knee, keep heel 1” off the ground & squat down increasing load on Achilles tendon.

It's essential to strike a balance with stretching. Incorporate a dynamic warm-up exercise such as the BFS Dot Drill before training


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