BFS Magazine
Baseball Strong!
Learn how Jake took his baseball to the max with strength training from a BFS Certified coach!
In the past, baseball coaches were reluctant to have their athletes lift weights, unless it was light dumbbells to rehabilitate a shoulder or elbow injury. Now the sport has embraced the weight room, and one athlete who has benefitted from this paradigm shift in coaching is Jake Guggenheimer.
The Squat in 2017
Because the squat was such a controversial exercise at the time BFS opened its doors in 1976, almost every article that appeared in BFS magazine about the squat included a section about how it could help prevent injuries, not cause them, and improve athletic performance. BFS Founder Dr. Greg Shepard and his team of clinicians also took our message on the road, each year giving hundreds of clinics at schools and athletic training facilities promoting the value of squats.
BFS on the Road - Professional Development in New York Public Schools!
Working with New York City Public Schools this month has been an awesome experience for BFS. Our all new Professional Development seminars have really been making an impact across the largest school district in the country. Many PE teachers and administrators have hailed the day as one of the most fruitful seminars they have ever attended.
New Weight Rooms and New Connections
One of the perks of being a BFS Clinician is the sheer number of great people we get to meet and interact with as we travel across the country. From teachers and coaches and high school athletes at the highest level, we love the chance to impact lives. However, we also know that we are equally impacted by the people we are fortunate enough to come across in our journey. Case in point: BFS Clinician Jim Brown.
BFS Whats Happening
The BFS Total Program is a comprehensive system with one goal. To help young people be the best they can be in athletics, in academics, and in life. In this issue of BFS Magazine, we have assembled articles for the archives to help you get started!
Bob Rowbotham’s Tradition of Excellence
40 Years Strong In 1979 Bob Rowbotham joined the Bigger Faster Stronger team as a clinician, and eventually took over the company as president and later CEO. Although there have been many advances in the fields of athletic and physical fitness since BFS headquarters opened its doors, the principles BFS was founded on have not changed. Coach Rowbotham has made certain of that.
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